9 Writing Tips For Bloggers to write the Best Blog Possible

1. Keep your paragraphs short and sweet
Writing long paragraphs is going to bore your readers and they will leave to find easier reading. Unless your blog gives out valuable information that the reader is lost without, there is little chance that you are going to impress them with long paragraphs.
2. Do you switch from 1st, 2nd and 3rd perspective
This is a common mistake because it takes a keen eye to spot when you do it. Do you go from writing "I" to "We" to "one"? It is hard to spot, which is why you should check each paragraph separately for which perspective it is from.
3. Do not make silly spelling mistakes
To avoid making mistakes it’s best to nip it in the bud – during the writing phase. Be sensitive to spelling mistakes like there and their, it’s and its, form and from. The occasional slip is not going to lose you a lot of readers, but making the same mistakes repeatedly is going to annoy people.
4. Read your blog post four days later
When you have just written a blog post you cannot look upon it with a cold and clinical eye. The text is still fresh in your mind and you will have more trouble reading your text without skim reading. If you look at it a few days later you will have to read every line again, and you will pick up more of your errors that you missed the first time.
5. Check line by line
This may seem a bit excessive for a blog post, since it need not be perfect. Nevertheless, you will find a marked improvement in the flow of your writing and the overall quality if you consciously concentrate on one line at a time when you proofread. You may also like to find a cheap online proofreader to check for your mistakes.
6. Check for contradictions
Do not forget to check the message/content of your blog post. Some people will contradict themselves in various minor or glaring ways and be completely unaware of it because they proofread their text without noticing the theme or content. Do you say that you were not present but then describe part of the event in the first person? Do you claim that you were upset by the incident whilst also mentioning how much you laughed about it?
7. Write about things you’re passionate about
Good blogger should remember to start with content first. What does that mean? You need to have something to say before any other part of the writing can begin.
Write about something you are passionate about. If you like sport – write about sport. If you are passionate about tech and apps then write about it. Write what you love.
8. Break your text apart when you proofread it
Cut your text into relevant sections, and then proofread each section individually. Proofreading a whole document can be daunting, and by the middle or end you will become less diligent and more forgiving.
You can avoid this by proofreading in sections. Make sure one section is perfect before starting with a new section.
9. Run a spelling and grammar check
If you work with Microsoft Word, take advantage of the spellchecker. There are a few spelling and grammar checkers online, but if you are already proficient at spelling and grammar, the paid ones are of very little help.

5 Tips That Will Increase Your facebook Audience

1. Always Lead with Shareable Content

The number one rule of Facebook is choosing relevant, interesting, and fun content that your followers will want to share. Sharing is one of Facebook’s most powerful features because it means information can spread like wildfire across the globe in no time. If you're able to churn out content that’s engaging and stimulating, then your followers will share that content with their friends, who will then share it with their friends, and so on until your reach expands.

2. Show Your Personal Side

When it comes to the different social media platforms, each one has unique benefits, advantages, and reasons for using it. With Facebook, the goal is building relationships and giving your company a chance to show your human side, and using the platform with that aim will help to increase your reach. Your customers know that you're a business, and if they want to know more about your company, they’ll go to your website.

3. Use Facebook Insights to Gain, Well, Insight!

Facebook has a built-in monitoring tool for their platform called Facebook Insights, and this is a priceless resource you can use to gain a better understanding of your audience and how they react to your page and your posts.

4. Take Advantage of Relevant Pages

Instinct might tell you that Facebook is an every-business-for-itself type of environment, but there are times when it’s appropriate and even beneficial to mention, promote, or link to another business’s page. Here's why: when you tag another business in your post, the post shows up not only on your page but also theirs, meaning you get double the exposure.

5. Engage Your Audience with Comments and Questions
As mentioned before, Facebook is all about building relationships, and a large part of that is done by engaging in conversations, answering questions, asking questions, and commenting on your own posts and those of other people and other businesses.

This is also an exercise in building brand recognition, because the more active you are in comments and conversations, the more people will see your name. Another great way to engage followers is to pose questions and start conversations of your own because this sparks more discussions and gives you, even more, opportunities to show people who you are and what you stand for.

8 Places where we can promote content/articles on the web apart from your website

1. Facebook - Facebook is one of the most cost effective and high volume audience generating platform to promote content. You Can create a page or a group, so that you can have a dedicated place to promote the content. Also you can promote the content of the pages/groups of the same niche as yours.
2. Reddit - Reddit can be a worthwhile platform to consider for sharing content, but it needs to be done the right way.
3. LinkedIn Articles - LinkedIn is one of the best ways to engage with audience in the same domain. Sharing the content will also encourage high audience in your respective firld.
4. Twitter Brand Accounts
If your article makes sense for your brand, consider adding your article to your sharing list for your brand accounts. You can even schedule the article to be posted several times over a few months.
5. Twitter Personal Accounts
Twitter moves fast, so it makes sense to share your article, along with a great quote, in a few places on Twitter. It is in your best interests to spread the shares out a bit so you don’t overwhelm your audience.
6. Twitter Chats
For a more targeted audience, look for industry-related Twitter chats and use their hashtags when sharing really high-quality content.
7. Instagram
To drive content from Instagram, add a portion of your content in the caption and add the link to the content to your bio.
8. Quora
Quora is one the favourite website where the audience can read articles on any niche.

How influencer marketing has become the hottest trend in marketing in 2018

New strategies continuously emerge in the market for better advertising of products / brands. Businesses keep growing by adopting new trends, of which a recent buzz-word is influencer marketing. Influencer marketing has shown significant growth in the past few years and is growing every year. Influencers are the people who have marked their   presence in the audience through social media like Instagram, blogs, youtube and facebook. They are the celebrities who are ruling generations of loyal fans who trust them completely and follow them strongly. Be it anything like gadgets, fashion, cell-phones, books, cosmetics, etc., influencer marketing is catching on. It is nothing but word-of-mouth marketing by trusted experts. When these celebs endorse any products or brands, it creates a very long-lasting impact on the minds of fans who follow them blindly.
Influencer marketing is becoming one of the best ways to build your brand credibility. It is becoming core part of marketing strategy by reaching out to potential customer through social media, starting the momentum for the brands by drawing attention of its targeted audience.

Right influencer for your brand or product can lead to achieve your targets easily, and hence, the influencer should be chosen wisely. We need to consider the following factors:
·         Reach of the influencer
·         Target audience
·         Fitment of your product / service in his/her area of expertise
Based on the above factors, you may use the framework below for identifying the right influencer for you:
·        Influencer’s Image: Brand or product which you are launching must match withinfluencer’s image, so that it can be easily be accepted by the audience.
·         Influencer’s Connect: How much the audience is connected with the influencer. Are his blogs and article read, reviewed, commented and shared by the followers regularly? How many of his old viewers are following him on social media versus new?
·         Influencer’s Reach: It is very important to find if the influencer has a good reach, thereby meeting the target audience.
·         Frequency of visits: To market any website, it is very important that visitors should turn back to the influencer’s posts very frequently.
·         Trust on influencer:  Story of genuine use of product or brand by the influencer is trusted more by the target audience than any sponsored or other reviews of brand or product.
·         Traffic Attraction: How much the influencer is able to attract the audience traffic through his blogs.
·         Influencer’s Social Media following: How many followers does the influencer have on social media platforms.
·         Content:  Influencers have a strong following who can drive traffic to your content
·         Alexa Rank:  Will also help in assessing how popular the influencer is, relative to others.

Online tools also help in assessing the Influencers:
1.       Blog Moz Rank: links to popularity of blogs; the higher the blog moz rank, the better.

2.       Buzz Sumo is a most popular tool. It is a search engine to find key influencers. It reviews the topics, content and domain they share. It analyses the influencers, filters the influencer by their reach, authority, influence and engagement. It is a tool that helps users to give a bigger picture of their activity online, while comparing them to other competitors and brands online.

3.    Twitter Counter: It compares with other competitors, monitors other keywords and hashtags, and manages data between multiple Twitter accounts.

4.    Hootsuite Insights: This tool provides deep level data across many of your social accounts and not just Twitter.
Influencer marketing has become an integral part of marketing strategy. It is much more reliable and cost affective mode of marketing than conventional marketing tactics, if executed well.  

What are the best online marketing steps for getting more clicks?

Step 1. Create some piece of amazing content, like an ebook about some part of your product/service. Make it look nice and contain great information. 

Step 2. Then create a call-to-action(cta) graphic that you put on your website, at the bottom of blog posts, share on social media and in your email signature. 

Step 3. Next you need a landing page for the CTA that not only reinforces the message and imagery of the CTA, but expands upon it as well. Be sure to include some info gathering form so that you get some contact info in exchange for the ebook.

Step 4. Be sure to include some other CTA on the Thank You page that your visitor will see after filling out the form. This CTA should be for some middle of funnel content.

Step 5. Now that you have a lead, be sure to nurture it with an autoresponder email or some other follow-up that is appropriate to your industry. 

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is an important tactic that plays a significant role in how digital marketing works. Content marketing is essentially when your business creates and promotes certain content assets that are aimed at attracting and engaging your target customers. These content assets can be created for a number of different purposes, including generating brand awareness, growing site traffic, boosting leads, or retaining customers.
No matter which tactics that you use as part of your digital marketing strategy, you will need to create content to support these tactics. This can be something as short and simple as a thank you email to someone who has subscribed to your email list. Or it can be a longer, more detailed piece like an e-book, that describes and provides information about one of the biggest challenges that your target customers face.
Here are just a few types of content marketing that you might create to support your digital marketing campaign goals:
Website pages
Blog posts
Social media posts
White papers
Case Studies
Ad Content
The key to creating great content assets that help support your digital marketing campaigns is strategically choosing topics that appeal most to your audience. If you haven’t already, make sure that you do some target audience research and even create customer personas to ensure that you know your customers well and can identify what types of content will attract and engage them at each step in the buyer’s journey.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a way to promote brands and products online and through other digital channels. Most businesses have a specific audience they are trying to reach, and digital marketing aims to help businesses reach these target consumers through the internet and other digital avenues.
There are a number of different digital technologies that marketers and companies use to get their marketing message to their target audience. In addition to their website, a company might also use PPC and display ads, email marketing, mobile technology like smartphones, social media, and other mediums to attract and engage their target consumers. (But more on that in the next section!)
Digital marketing is vital for modern businesses because the internet plays a significant role in how today’s consumer makes purchasing decisions. The internet also impacts how consumers actually purchase their products and services. This makes it imperative for businesses to not only be present online but to boost visibility as much as possible.
The days of browsing at a physical store location and asking sales associates for more information about products are gone. Now, consumers use the internet to get the information they need to make an informed purchasing decision, even if they still visit the physical store location to make their final purchase.
That’s where digital marketing comes in. It helps your business reach these consumers wherever they are in their digital buyer’s journey.