What is Brand Marketing

In any business there is a brand value when you sell any product or a service.
In addition to marketing your product or services, you must create clear brand identity and promote it.
Once your brand is marketed very well, the customers start recocagnising your product/services by considering your brand than the product/services advantages. 
Brand marketing promotes products or services in a way that highlights your overall brand. The goal of brand marketing is to link your identity, values, and personality with communications to your audience. Your brand acts as the bridge between your product and your customer.
Brand marketing isn’t just about putting your logo and business name as many places as possible, it’s about building your reputation and personality over time.
A brand is the total sum of experiences, good and bad, that a product or service provides to its publics (including not just prospects and existing customers, but vendors, employees, communities and more). It’s not just a logo or an ad campaign or a website. It’s all of these things and so much more.
That’s why it’s important to protect a brand and develop standards so that, as an organization grows, its people understand the way the brand is intended to be delivered. It’s like a playbook, making sure everyone knows what the plan is all the time.

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